
Showing posts from January, 2018
English Language Challenges I have had a good experience in learning English at university. In English 3 I have met teacher Beatriz, who was so kind as teacher Andrea, in English 4. Actually, I have not finished yet my English 4 course and it is because I tried to do in regular time, not in summer like now, but I had a teacher who dislikes me so I did not go to his classes. Sometimes I have a childish personality. Anyway I have learned a lot of things in the courses. I think it is useful we use blogs to write what we think because is a form to evaluate our progress without the boring of what means a test or the nerves in an oral evaluation. But I can understand oral evaluations are necessary because we must learn not only to write but also to speak English. That is one of the things I need to improve because my pronunciation is not very good and I think this is because I never used to talk to someone in another language than Spanish. In fact, outside the class
I think I had written in other post I am not very interested in sociology. This means I do not remember the most of the subjects I have approved and, because of this reason, I do not know if as department we need to dedicate more hours to statistic or qualitative techniques, etc… However, I would like the career has a more philosophical orientation because I think sociologist we do not reflect sufficiently. For example, we are very skilled when we have to talk about the multiple ways of domination but we are not so sure when we must to say why this happen. Marx was a genius, nobody could reject that, but maybe he did not think enough this point. By the way, Benjamin did this and in his little –and unfinished – essay ‘Capitalism as a religion’ he tried to explain that a lot of sociological things have a non-sociological base. Other example, in his words: capitalism debt its success not just to the power of bourgeois and their ability to manipulate to State and to moral, but in
It is difficult to me to talk about a favorite book. I prefer to talk about my last one. My last book was the mails that Kafka sent to his girlfriend, Felice Bauer. It is an amazing book because Kafka exposes his closest personality at the same time he tries to win her. Two incompatible things, from beginning to ending, that little by little the same senders will notify and we, as readers, too, in approximately six hundred letters. It was a kind of impossible love because they were very different. In one hand, she was a happy girl, speech and extrovert, belonging to the bourgeois middle class, with bourgeois aspirations, and by other hand, Kafka was a very sad guy, shy and introverted, with no enough money as to maintain a family. The only thing he really liked to do was to write and everything else he hated it: his job, his family, even the literary surrounding. They wrote from two remote places and could not seem each other in regular times. Kafka many times s
Summer holidays The place we are planning to going to is never so fun as the one we can imagine we could going to. If I could, what actually means ‘if I born again’, I would like to climb the highest mountains or to dive the deepest oceans, fight against the wildest animals or discover the most hidden places. Of course, most beautiful landscapes are not always ‘the most’ of whatever, but to think those in this way seems like an old novel story. Do not you think that to be the protagonist of Moby Dick or El Quijote could be soooo cool? Once I heard that Juan Rulfo, the Mexican writer of Pedro Páramo and El llano en llamas, thought to write about a traveler and his journey across La Cordillera de Los Andes. If this book would have been written, surely would be a fundamental book to understand what means to travel in Latin America. Just think about it. It will surely start in México, discovering the old ruins and the religious antecedent of Mexican people, the st
Post graduate studies I do not like to study at university but I have thought to continue doing it just for one simple reason: I fear to work. And, been honestly, I think right now I could not have a complete adult life. Even living with my family I am a disaster but not to be disorganized (in fact I am tidy), but because I am lazy, useless and anxious. As you can see, post graduate studies are an excuse to my family do not chase me out from home. I have thought to study a masters related with cultural sociology but because actually I am not very interesting in this issue, I have not find out where I can do it or what I have to do to applying to a scholarship. If I could get the chance to choose where it could be, I will surely prefer the same place where now I am studying because it is the most practical thing. To have a scholarship should be the only way to pay it because I do not want to work and my parents have no money. Some people have said me I should try studyi
My future job I must confess I do not like any job. But because maybe I should survive, I think a good job could be work as a book’s editor. Some years ago I had thought to work as one of these but I did not know nothing about what means book’s edition so I started to learn. Even, I get the equipment necessary to have a little –very little– editorial with its own ability to make a full book: a printing house.  That is the job I would like to continue doing, but there are some bad things in it. To edit a book is a job harder than I had imagined. It requires a lot of time to make all the steps necessaries just to have a digital book. It is a lonely and repetitive work, just in front of a computer. And then you must make the book, what means, again, waste time and, by other hand, to have money to buy materials. Do not even talk about the sales, because sometimes people become angry when you sell them a good quality book (I mean, in content and making) in his correct price
Favorite food First, food is one of the greatest things that exist so I will enjoy writing this post. Second, I will be terribly hungry. Although I like food very much I do not know about culinary culture. For example, in international cuisine the only one I know is Peruvian food. That is because my father's wife is Peruvian and in her country she had a restaurant. As you can imagine, she cooks tasty dishes all days! When I go to their house I eat Carapulca, Papa a la Huancaína, Tamales, Ají de gallina... anything I want even to the point to be immobilized for have been eating so much. For that reason I always said Peruvian food is the best of the world; do not know another one is just a detail. My favorite national dish is Humitas and Porotos (‘con riendas’ and ‘con mazamorra’) and I try to eat them every time I can. But sadly, the most of the time the ingredients are avaible to be bought just in summer so you cannot eat those dishes whenever you want. I th
Pope's visit Since we know the Pope's will visit Chile, there had been a lot of controversial news. The most of them refer to the responsibility of government standing back in religious affairs. That means, in opponents to Pope's visit words, that all the display (money, time, services, etc.) should not be provided by an entity that represents an important part of the secular state. Personally, I think the Pope's visit could be very interesting. Because, on the one side, we can see we are still an outdated country, possibly just like the entire world, and on the other hand we see those people who claim this little things (20 thousand millions are really important in the country's policy?) that believe that civilian moral it is not similar to religious moral. Society is totally crossed by moral, because this last one give us an order. But moral changes and that is what we are seeing. So the controversial has been between one way of arbitrariness and
Hi, today I am going to talk you about a great concert I attended in 2014. It was the third time that Rockout Fest was made in Chile and a lot of musicians were invited. I do not remember exactly when it was, but I am sure it was in December because a few days ago I had had the final tests. With a friend, we bought the entrance tickets a lot of weeks in advance because we knew it will be a good instance. The day of concert, we arrived at ten in the morning to Espacio Brodway, located in Santiago’s outside, and we had to wait until middle day to doors were opened. But once time we were into it, all day, from twelve to twelve, we enjoyed our favorite music. There were famous bands as Primus, 2 minutos, Fantomas, Melvins, Devo and another less known as Como asesinar a Felipes, Los peores de Chile, Machuca, Los Morton and a few others that I have forgotten. Anyway, the music was very good and the people were excited all the time even to the point to mosh every five minutes.
If I have to choose a country to visit, it will be Canada. The funny thing is that I know almost nothing about that country and all my curiosity I owe to the movies and the fascination of what means to live in a far, big and cold place. In my mind, Canada looks like an enormous forest with wild but silent creatures, rounded by rivers full of hungered fishes trying to swim up the waterfalls. Obviously Canada must be something totally different I am describing but believe in my own lies glad me a lot. In fact, if you just see some photographs of any Canadian city nearby you will note it is like any other place in the world (what an unexpected thing) because everything is boring or not mysteriously enough. But leaving aside the cities, I still thing the outskirt must be wonderful. Not in the way I explained, but maybe with something to discover or enjoy because of its originality.  For example, do not you think hear a reindeer moo or taste one of the mentioned fishes roasted