Favorite food

First, food is one of the greatest things that exist so I will enjoy writing this post. Second, I will be terribly hungry.

Although I like food very much I do not know about culinary culture. For example, in international cuisine the only one I know is Peruvian food. That is because my father's wife is Peruvian and in her country she had a restaurant. As you can imagine, she cooks tasty dishes all days! When I go to their house I eat Carapulca, Papa a la Huancaína, Tamales, Ají de gallina... anything I want even to the point to be immobilized for have been eating so much. For that reason I always said Peruvian food is the best of the world; do not know another one is just a detail.

My favorite national dish is Humitas and Porotos (‘con riendas’ and ‘con mazamorra’) and I try to eat them every time I can. But sadly, the most of the time the ingredients are avaible to be bought just in summer so you cannot eat those dishes whenever you want. I think will be a religious experience to eat, for example, some hot Porotos con mazamorra in winter, while you see the rain through the window and in a hand you hold a toasted bread (imagine that scene with a Ricardo Montaner’s song <3).

Of course sometimes I cook believing I am a Master Chef’s participant. In that case my kitchen is like a laboratory. But a laboratory where everything burns. Then comes my mom and the dream is over. Anyway, I love food.


  1. The food with corn like humitas and ''porotos con mazamorra'' are very delicious.

  2. jaja I liked very much your post, I´m also enjoy the food a lot.
    I´m think that "porotos con mazamorra" is actually a summer food, but any way it is delicious.

  3. you can eat porotos con mazamorra in winter, you just need to freeze the beans and corn, I do it!

  4. Good post. I also like to cook and eat jajaj ​​
    is very entertaining tasting flavors

  5. I love the aji de gallina, it is one of the best meals I've tasted


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