Summer holidays

The place we are planning to going to is never so fun as the one we can imagine we could going to. If I could, what actually means ‘if I born again’, I would like to climb the highest mountains or to dive the deepest oceans, fight against the wildest animals or discover the most hidden places.
Of course, most beautiful landscapes are not always ‘the most’ of whatever, but to think those in this way seems like an old novel story. Do not you think that to be the protagonist of Moby Dick or El Quijote could be soooo cool? Once I heard that Juan Rulfo, the Mexican writer of Pedro Páramo and El llano en llamas, thought to write about a traveler and his journey across La Cordillera de Los Andes.

If this book would have been written, surely would be a fundamental book to understand what means to travel in Latin America. Just think about it. It will surely start in México, discovering the old ruins and the religious antecedent of Mexican people, the strange landscapes in the south. And, yes, everytime (I will talk like him, thinking those are my holiday) I will travel following the south, so, the next countries will be Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, where I going to meet the guerrilleros and know what is to live in jungle like. Could be hard but the travel continues, some kilometers past and now I am in Colombia. Here the hot and the wild green grow up in everywhere. I must to swim in a lake, rounded by crocodiles, holding up my backpack on my head. To arrive to Brazil should be difficult but not at all ridding the horse I will surely domesticate. He will be my partner, my only one. Trough Amazonas, after escape from a cannibal tribe, we will be in Peru praying in the altars and contemplating nature. In Bolivia I will fell in love with a native but it will be an impossible love because of her father, a bourgeois indigenous that hates me. Because she can’t betray him, she will reject me. I will cross the dessert and my horse will die. In Chile nothing will like me.

At the end, I will be in Faro Evangelista, the last construction in the world, totally alone and seeing the storm and the boats crushing against the big rocks. The terrible wind, the strong rain and the sea along all I can see, an enormous and wild sea. I could tell to my friends I had some funny holidays. 


  1. Wow, it sounds like a very wild travel and a little dangerous

  2. I agree with your opinion. It is important to immerse yourself in our imagination.

  3. You related a very interesting adventure, a possible best seller. I believe that traveling throughout Latin America is possible. Chile can be very boring, maybe I think this because I live here.

  4. wow you have so many dreams! I hope you can make them real some day.


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