
Showing posts from April, 2017
Maybe it will not be the most important issue in country,  but distribution of green areas in cities is a matter that every day, since many years, affects thousands of people. The goods inequality is obviously not just about money and social studies show how the quantity of green areas varies from commune to commune. Precisely because in between of everyday life that is a minor problem below serious and evident troubles, nobody takes care or just, specially in periphery communes, supplies it with some horrible squares each certain number of blocks. Green areas are architecturally important points for social coexistence, places where neighbors can meet and children can play. By other side, they allow that individuals can rest in the outside and, at least in minimal grade, be in contact with nature. If some population have no enough green areas, in combination with other factors, it could be a serious problem not only for mental health but for integrity of population: social incoord


Hello, next monday I will talk you about Walter Benjamin. He born in Berlin in 1892 and died in 1940 and worked in many areas as philosopher, sociologist and cultural critic. Benjamin studied in Freiburg’s and Bern’s universities where he knew important intellectuals celebrities from which he learned marxism and sthetic. This knowledge was fundamental because will be one pillar of the Frankfurt School, surely one of the most relevant studies group in social science. Benjamin had a lot of interest and, apparently, was a disperse guy. In life, just published five articles but once time he was dead more than fifty books and essais were founded. He was specially interested in language as the center and possibility of society. In this sense, he tried to integrate the cultural problems into marxism but in another way than classical marxism. With Adorno and Horkheimer them worked together in Frankfurt School and formulated the Critical Theory, a new way to study this kind of troubles.
My grandfather born and lived many years in Isla Huapi, a place near Temuco. In the past, you could go Isla Huapi only in boat and that was great because, in this way, the island was quiet and clean. I remember the first time I went with my family to visit our grandfather, I was just 6 years old. The landscape was amazing, the enormous sky above us, the big lake around my grandfather's house, the forest, everything was really nice. In morning, we drank milk from the animals and ate eggs, in middle day the men looked for food and water and women cooked. In evening, you could rest hours and hours or just leave the house and walk into the forest. In night, sat around the campfire and heard the people’s old stories. The best part of the day was been in forest, I think. In here, you could feel a nice loneliness, watch strange insects and plants or heard sound you never thought could exist.  My favourite place was a group of rocks from where you could see the lake and heard the l
Hi, my name is David Marchant. I study sociology and that's something I don´t like to talk about much. Yeah, sometimes it can be really boring. I think the most interesting thing someone could talk about is art, especially music and literature. In music, I have learned a little by playing guitar and guitar bass; in literature, just reading. I don´t think books are always interesting things. In fact, many books are just to waste your time. Another thing I like a lot are sports. But just watch, not practice :). I mean, have you seen how Gary Medel plays football? Oh man, that's a wonderfull show and everybody should learn him.