
Hello, next monday I will talk you about Walter Benjamin. He born in Berlin in 1892 and died in 1940 and worked in many areas as philosopher, sociologist and cultural critic. Benjamin studied in Freiburg’s and Bern’s universities where he knew important intellectuals celebrities from which he learned marxism and sthetic. This knowledge was fundamental because will be one pillar of the Frankfurt School, surely one of the most relevant studies group in social science.

Benjamin had a lot of interest and, apparently, was a disperse guy. In life, just published five articles but once time he was dead more than fifty books and essais were founded. He was specially interested in language as the center and possibility of society. In this sense, he tried to integrate the cultural problems into marxism but in another way than classical marxism. With Adorno and Horkheimer them worked together in Frankfurt School and formulated the Critical Theory, a new way to study this kind of troubles.


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