My grandfather born and lived many years in Isla Huapi, a place near Temuco. In the past, you could go Isla Huapi only in boat and that was great because, in this way, the island was quiet and clean.

I remember the first time I went with my family to visit our grandfather, I was just 6 years old. The landscape was amazing, the enormous sky above us, the big lake around my grandfather's house, the forest, everything was really nice. In morning, we drank milk from the animals and ate eggs, in middle day the men looked for food and water and women cooked. In evening, you could rest hours and hours or just leave the house and walk into the forest. In night, sat around the campfire and heard the people’s old stories.

The best part of the day was been in forest, I think. In here, you could feel a nice loneliness, watch strange insects and plants or heard sound you never thought could exist. My favourite place was a group of rocks from where you could see the lake and heard the little waves in beach. And when the weather was hot everybody went to swim! But the water was too cold and nobody swam more than 10 minutes. Anyway, is the coolest place I have known.


  1. Hi David, the place sounds amazing, like a paradise. Has it changed?

  2. Hi David,
    Yes , it sounds like you had a really lovely experience with your granddad :)


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