Maybe it will not be the most important issue in country, but distribution of green areas in cities is a matter that every day, since many years, affects thousands of people. The goods inequality is obviously not just about money and social studies show how the quantity of green areas varies from commune to commune. Precisely because in between of everyday life that is a minor problem below serious and evident troubles, nobody takes care or just, specially in periphery communes, supplies it with some horrible squares each certain number of blocks.

Green areas are architecturally important points for social coexistence, places where neighbors can meet and children can play. By other side, they allow that individuals can rest in the outside and, at least in minimal grade, be in contact with nature. If some population have no enough green areas, in combination with other factors, it could be a serious problem not only for mental health but for integrity of population: social incoordination, low cohesion, and so on…

The state, in this government administration or in next, should be worried about this theme. Despite apparently there is no interest in it, building good quality parks, protecting the few forest that still exist and also planning in a better way the housing construction programs, could be alternatives to contribute the expansion of urban green areas.


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